The question is what happens now? Now that we’ve found out that the country wanted someone representing hate, greed, selfishness. What does that say for the future? What does that say about holding people accountable for their actions? What does it say about doing the right thing? Feeling into everything I held my breath for, learning to trust my body and deepen my awareness, I reeled all day yesterday while trying to distract myself from what happened. The sun did rise yet behind dark clouds.
The structure wasn’t working. Neoliberalism and a focus on capitalism continued to perpetuate inequality, wealth divisions, gender bias and racism. The market has not proved that it will correct itself: it continues to keep the rich in positions of power while abusing the rest of the people and the planet. Something else was needed, a rethinking of how to ensure that a rising tide floats all ships. But this wasn’t it. People want to tear it down. To ensure they have enough money to put food on the table and to support their children’s futures. Trump is not going to do that. He is going to maintain the system as it stands to keep himself rich and those around him, the sycophants and the tyrants, abilities to build structures for their own capital accumulation. This was never about America – this was about using America to get exactly what he wanted. And now he has been given that ability again — the keys, the secrets, the numbers, the power. It will be dark for a while now. We will have to reckon with the fact that this is what the majority of voting Americans wanted: a repressive regime with no values and no conscience. Pardoning themselves and everyone who believed that the 2020 election was stolen. No holding to account, no need to repent for their actions.
This time will be telling for everyone. People in power who wish to consolidate everything, to fill their own coffers and put people in power who will undo the systems that are meant to stop authoritative dictators from having unchecked access to what has been built. This is the dawn of the new America. This is the reverberation that will be heard around the world, where lying is okay and never admitting fault is seen as strength. People will stay ignorant. People will support what they believe represents them even if they can’t see behind the mask.
This is the future before us. And no, we will not give up the fight. We will not fear the retributions of a small man who craves power more than he cares about others. Someone who has lost himself within the vacuum of his own ego. But there are consequences for all of our actions. He is not immune from this. Life will shift for everyone and we will see changes, both good and bad, unfolding across the entire world in the wake of this seizing of power and control. The structure will change and we will have to respond to the changes because the only thing we can do is continue doing our best. To speak up against hatred. To start with our own ethics and ensure that we take care of ourselves, of our communities, and focus on kindness. Authentic kindness, persistence to keep doing what we believe is right and will further equality for all. To resist hegemony. To resist disenfranchisement. To stop hate. To not be complicit. Action is still needed and the ideals that built this nation, though they were not extended to all people, cannot be taken away from us. We will move forward and we will move forward together.
It’s time to wake up. It’s time to realize what power we each have in shaping our realities.